Monday, March 14, 2011

Greek Heroes and Heroines (Overview)

The Mycenaen Age: Late Bronze Age (1600-1100 BCE)

     I. Older Generation: predates Trojan War (ie. Oedipus, Heracles)
     II. Younger Generation: Trojan War and onwards (ie. Odysseus, Theseus)
     Peloponnesus: Mycenae, Tiryns, Argos, Sparta, Pylos
     Mainland/Arcadia: Athens, Thebes, Iolcus
     Asia Minor and Islands: Troy, Crete

Heroic Motifs (Male)
1. Miraculous [divine] conception and birth.
2. Immediate threat/opposition at birth
3. Challenge accepted at maturity
4. [Divine] assistance for labours
5. Insuperable labours
6. Adventures/temptations/shenanigans involving a mixture of human/monster/divine
7. Taboos and prohibitions
8. Triumph over death (symbolic or literal)
9. Reward (marriage, power, wealth, or longevity)
10. Death and/or deification

Heroic Motifs (Female)
1. Departure from home upon maturity (exile or compulsion)
2. Seclusion to protect virtue due to prophecy
3. Impregnation by God or Hero
4. Punishment or rejection
5. Rescue and redemption from mature son.