Sunday, January 30, 2011

Minor Olympians (Ch 5)


Etymology and Epithets:
     (g.) Hera
     (l.) Juno
     "cow eyed", "queen", "lady'
Genealogy: Cronus + Rhea, wife of Zeus.
Origin: Most likely non Indo-European. Worshipped primarily at Argos.
Legitimate Offspring: Ares, Elitheya, Hebe, Eris, Hephaestus
Claim to Fame: Goddess of marriage and women. The original shrew. Bent on the destruction of Zeus's 
Iconography: Cow, polos (circular pillbox crown), peacock feather, pomogranite.


Etymology and Epithets:
     (g.) Hestia
     (l.) Vesta
Genealogy: Cronus + Rhea. Parthanos.
Origin: Mycenaean Greeks, or the sister of an IE sky god.
Claim to Fame: Goddess of the hearth, goodwill, domesticity, and chastity. Inspiration for the
     vestal virgins in Rome, postmenopausal virgins that tend to the eternal fire. Rejects both Apollo
     and Poseidon. One of three deities resistant to the powers of Aphrodite.
Iconography: hearth, fireside, fireside tools (ie. cauldron, kettle, candle, broom), torch, pig, donkey.
Literature: Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite

Etymology and Epithets:
     (g.) Ares, are "bane"/"curse"
     (l.) Mars, marne "to kill"
Domain: Associated with Thrace.
Genealogy: Zeus + Hera. Aphrodite's dirty little secret.
Claim to Fame: God of war, violence, bloodlust, masculinity, agriculture, rampant promiscuity.
Iconography: Spear, helmut, dog, chariot, boar


Etymology and Epithets:
     (g.) Hephaestus, haph "ignite"
     (l.) Vulcan
     "Master Craftsman", "Strong Armed", "Bent Legged"
Origin: Potentially a fire-spirit on the volcanic island of Lemnos (non Greek origin). Rumored to have been thrown from Mt. Olympus by Hera because he was so ugly. Raised by Thetis and the Nereids, from which he learned metal-working skills.
Genealogy: Hera (Parthenogenically), or Hera + Zeus. Husband of Aphrodite.
Claim to Fame: God of the Smithy. 
Iconography: Forge, hammer, anvil.